Scott Mateer Opens new Orthodontics office.

Dr. Scott Mateer has opened up his own practice right on Long Island, offering the Long Island community another great choice when searching for an experienced and trustworthy orthodontist. However, Dr. Mateer brings even more to the table than the average orthodontic with his outgoing personality, innovative approaches, and state-of-the-art training/experience. In fact, Dr. Mateer’s […]


No other product has done as much to bring orthodontic treatment into the 21st century as Invisalign has, and we are pleased to offer it to the Dix Hills area. When you opt for treatment with Invisalign, you are choosing a cutting edge approach that produces stunning smiles without any of the inconvenience or headaches […]


The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site. Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 [top] Paragraph […]

What does tightening my braces do?

Braces apply slow pressure to move your teeth gradually and naturally. We need to tighten your braces to adjust this pressure so your teeth grow into the right spots. This is also an opportunity for us to replace the wire and bands, and for you to choose new colors.

How do you remove my braces?

We have special orthodontic instruments to remove your braces. We don’t chip them off, break them off, yank them off or do anything that might cause you pain. We put a lot of pride and effort into your smile, and we want you to be happy with it when we’re done.

Will braces stain my teeth?

Not if you take care of them properly. It is only when your teeth are not properly cared for that you end up with stains when the braces are removed.